I was told it wasn’t fair that I enhance my photos. I was cheating because I use Photoshop to make my photos look better. I have to admit, with a resounding yes! Yes, I enhance my photos with Photoshop! Why not? I have my camera set on RAW capture, low contrast, low sharpening, and normal saturation. For me, it’s the best way to capture an image. It comes from taking and judging thousands of images and trying to get the best capture.
I know there are many other advanced and professional photographers out there that have their own way of taking photos. Most will argue that their way works the best. This just happens to be my way. I check the histogram after the shot and check at my composition. I may take a few more from various angles and a few different exposures of a scene. Then move on.
The same is for my product, fashion and other advertising photography. I shoot low contrast and low saturation. I also shoot a gray card and do my white balance before shooting client’s work.
My adjustments are made on the computer in Photoshop. For client work, I take out dust specks, scratches and improve the product or apparel. For portraits I remove the blemishes, wild hairs and tidy up the persons clothing. The final image will have had the contrast and color adjusted.
The same is for scenic and landscape photos I do for myself. I make the sky a little darker and bluer, the grass a little greener, flowers a little brighter. Because in my mind, I see that vivid detail. The following images are examples of enhancement and what I see and remember at the moment I clicked the shutter.
I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it. ~Author Unknown
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